Royal Duyvis Wiener B.V.


  • Batch nib alkalizer to develop desired colour and flavour
  • (natural, light, medium and high alkalized and very high alkalized up to black powder)
  • Removal of acids (acetic, lactic and citric) and therefore increasing pH-value
  • Improvement of solubility in water
  • Fast heating of nibs with steam to 120°C – 130°C for de-bacterizing purposes
  • Jacketed rigid stainless steel reaction vessel designed for -1 / 4 bar and max 150°C
  • Aeration with hot air for further development of colour
  • Pre-drying of the nib up to 20 % moisture
  • Mounted on load-cells for automatic dosing of nibs, lye (potash), water and / or other fluids
  • Optimal (wide diameter housing and special stirrer) design for mixing
Specifications / USP's
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Product Information

When using a nib alkalizer, the shell must be first removed with the winnower, which gently loosens the shell from the kernel. In order to develop the desired color and flavor profile the nibs are alkalized (Dutching method). Over the last 30 years, nib alkalization has been the most common method, since it is the most flexible system regarding flavor, color, and pH influence. In the latest alkalizing system it is possible to treat nibs with a very high moisture content. With the addition of up to 35% of a hydrous alkaline solution, pH values up to 8,0 can be achieved, together with respective changes in color and taste.  In combination with the nib roasting this results in a very effective reduction of bacterial count to values of normally < 100 – 1000 germs/gram.

Good mixing ensures a homogeneous color and taste throughout the complete batch. The alkalizing vessel has a special (wider) design and is equipped with a tapered screw to insure the shortest mixing time with best in class mixing performances. In this special design it is even possible to start up the wet mix after a production stop.


BNA3500: 2000-3500 kg/h or BNA5000: 3500-6000 kg/h


Cocoa Nibs / Kernel Processing

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