Royal Duyvis Wiener B.V.


  • Excellent pre-refining and preparation for fine-grinding in chocolate processing lines
  • Designed to guarantee the highest product quality, flexible handling and long lifespan
  • Very accurate control of temperature, gap (pressure) and roller-speed
  • Homogenizing (equalization of variations) and refining of coarse sugar to 100 – 200 microns
  • Hygienic design
  • Easy dismantling and replacing of scraping knives and rolls, meaning less downtime
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The product is transported from the mixer by a conveyor belt, or gravity in the buffer located at the top of the 2-roll pre-refiner. This buffer acts as a storage centre for the entire batch of mixed chocolate. The state-of-the-art rolls work to refine and calibrate the sugar crystals in the chocolate batch. Subsequently, the batch is discharged from the pre-refiner by means of a screw discharge system and will reaches the 5-roll refiner through a conveyor belt. The 2-roll refiner is extremely durable, resistant to wear and is executed with specially designed hydraulic controls, gap adjustment and drive technology.

This results in consistently produced pre-ground chocolate batches, ready for the next step – the refining process.

The refining process
The 2-roll refiners are suitable for use as a pre-refiners in chocolate processing lines. The equipment guarantees the highest product quality, flexible handling and a long life span. The two temperature controlled rolls pre-refine the sugar and the calibration of the particle size is determined by the gap between the roll and the pressure which is hydraulically controlled. The rolls are driven individually or via a geared motor. For greater accuracy, a frequency controller can be installed. The rolls can easily be dismantled and changed. The scraping knives can easily be cleaned and changed, which means a considerable cost saving (less downtime) and improved hygiene.


(Chocolate) Confectionary Coatings, (Chocolate) Ice-cream Coatings Processing, Compound Chocolate Processing, Real Chocolate / Couverture Processing


WZ9 (Roller 900mm): 1000-4000 kg/hr, WZ13 (Roller 1300mm): 4000-6000 kg/hr, WZ18 (Roller 1800mm): 6000-11000 kg/hr

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