Royal Duyvis Wiener B.V.

Solid Ingredient Handling and Dosing

  • Standard designed for ground-floor (inclined) operation, optional first-floor (horizontal) operation
  • Ingredient handling with variable flow rate capacities
    • Solids (sugar, cocoa powder, milk powder)
    • Additives (emulsifiers, salt, vanillin)
  • Standard manual loading of hoppers, optional pneumatic transport from big-bag or storage
  • Limited dust load due to optional automatic dust filters
  • Optional full automatic dosing with adjustable dosing parameters per ingredient.
  • Accurate and reliable dosing conform your recipe parameters, excellent repeatability
Specifications / USP's
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Powder handling is a major topic of interest for many reasons. Food safety and operator safety are among them.
The manual bag dumping station allow very effective emptying of standard 25kg bags of bulk solids and / or powder, with a minimum of product loss through dusting.
The bag dumping station can optionally be executed with an integral dust filter system, minimizing the need for cleaning and / or installing a remote dust collection system and location.

The directly connected screw conveyor handles free- and non-free flowing bulk materials ranging from crystal sugar to powders, including products that cake. Dosing is executed in 2 stages, high-speed dosing in the initial stage and slow-speed fine-dosing in the last phase. All product contact materials are executed in stainless steel.

Small volume ingredients (emulsifier, salt and vanillin) are separately weight in a small receptacle before dosing.


(Chocolate) Confectionary Coatings, (Chocolate) Ice-cream Coatings Processing, (Compound) Confectionary coatings, (Compound) Ice-cream Coatings Processing, Compound Chocolate Processing, Real Chocolate / Couverture Processing


1 to 6 metric tons/hr

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